
Friday, September 16, 2011

A Practice Approach to Build Muscle Fast- How to Build Muscle Fast?

Do you want a fabulous toned muscle and ripped abs? Definitely yes! What you need is a practice approach to build muscle fast. Beware of fake products and supplements that claim to make you like Arnold Schwarzenegger in a week or within 10 days. It is really impossible.

For a serious bodybuilding, you need a complete guide on workout program on bodybuilding. You should have the knowledge of the right type of exercise and diet program to follow. No health drink can alone give you six pack abs. This article discusses some practical simple suggestions regarding diet and exercise.

• Participating in active sports can keep one fit
• Instead of making fitness criteria, many persons unconsciously reap the benefits of health and well-being by simply leading a physically active life.
• Any workout or sports must be done to develop stamina, strength and endurance.
• Eat right and feel fit
• Regular workouts including cardio, weights, etc., are fine. But playing cricket, half court basketball once a week, jogging for an hour three times a week are also equally benefiting.
• One can wear clothes that fit well, deliberately to know when one puts on weight!
• One can stick to seasonal fruits and fruit juices in the mornings. Lunch must be planned primarily with brown rice and steamed veggies. Dinner can be either fish or chicken. Never combine meats.
• Some individuals let themselves go once a week. They forego their strict diet once a week and indulge in heavy meals, rich foods, mixed meats but the rest of the days they are on strict diets and regular workout! But this ‘one day indulgence’ can’t be fine with everybody. Overweight individuals and ideals weight individuals must know their limitations. Nothing can be generalized and exceptions don’t prove the rule.
• There is no age limit to becoming fit.
• One must develop the right eating habits. Cooking must preferably be done in olive oil; less oil be used; veggies must never be overcooked; brown rice must be had instead of white rice; plenty of water must be taken and one must avoid mixing meats.

The workout program must be selected very watchfully because you need a program designed by a trainer or fitness expert who knows all the basics of weight training. ‘Turbulence Training Program’ is the most popular and highly recommended workout system for both men and women. With this revolutionary system, you can now gain muscle and burn fat at the same time.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Best Abdominal Exercise to Get Flat Stomach and Lose Belly Fat

In modern era, various exercises are available for different parts of the bodies like biceps, chest, triceps and abdominals. Abdominal or abs is an essential part for slim men or women in order to indulge the good looks. Making abs is not an easy task, it requires too much exercises with proper precautions otherwise it may produce abnormal effects which may be dangerous.

Abs can be made by using the exercises like reaching crunch on ball. In this exercise, sit on a Swiss ball with your feet, shoulder-width apart on the floor. Lean back, so that your back is parallel to the floor. Straighten your arms and point them upward, towards the ceiling. Contract your abs, as you would do for a crunch, while you reach for the ceiling with your fingertips. Hold the contracted position for three or four seconds. Slowly lower your body back to the initial position.

There is another exercise for abs .i.e. Jacknife. For this exercise, place a mat on the floor, lie down on your back and extend your arms above your head. Simultaneously, lift your legs and arms toward the ceiling, until your fingertips touch your toes (if you can). Slowly retain your initial position.

Another exercise for the abs which is more efficient then above is Windshield wiper. For this exercise, place a mat on the floor and lie on your back with your arms in the "T" position for stability. Lift your legs so that they are perpendicular to the upper half of your body and rotate your hips, keeping them in contact with the floor, so that your legs move from left to right, in a "windshield wiper" motion. Make sure to move in a controlled and slow manner.

Twist and Crunch is also an important and efficient exercise. In this exercise, place a mat on the floor and lie down on your back, with your hands by your ears and your legs perpendicular to the floor. Twist your hips slightly by contracting your right oblique muscles; hold that position. Using your abs, bring your left elbow across your body to the outside of your left knee. Slowly retain your initial position. Redo the movement on your left side.

Another exercise for abs is Leg raise. For this exercise, lie down on a flat bench with your legs up and perpendicular to the bench (hold the bench behind your head for stability). Lift your hips slightly off the bench by contracting your lower abs, hold for three-four seconds, and lower your hips. Keep your back flat on the bench, your legs straight and lower your legs until they almost form a straight line with the upper part of your body. Hold for a count of three and bring them back to the initial position.

The above exercises should be done with the proper precaution. If not done properly, you may suffer with various stomach problems. So, the above exercises should be done under the guidance of some specialist or your gym trainer.

Cellulitis Natural Remedies, Causes and Herbal Treatments

Cellulitis is a type of skin infection which is of serious nature. It has the potential to develop much more serious, life threatening condition. Traditionally the problem of cellulitis involves a course of antibiotics for its treatment. In this problem there is an inflammation of connective tissues. The inflammation occurs due to the toxins which our system fails to eliminate. Usually it is characterized by swelling or thickening of tissues. There the skin appears as orange peel and also gives a grating sensation. Cellulitis affects most often our leg, arms, face and scalp. Sometimes Cellulitis may result into serious types of complications. Some problems which are caused by Cellulitis are -

1. Problems of heart
2. Pain which causes pressure on the nerves
3. Insomnia
4. Migraine, sciatica and neuralgia
5. Nervousness, fatigue or even depression
6. Deformities where hips and legs becomes enlarged

Some of the sign and symptoms of Cellulitis are fever, chills, redness and warming in the skin, pain and tenderness and edema which is a swelling caused by fluid in the tissues.

People of growing older age are at risk to develop cellulitis. People who are diabetic, having chickenpox and shingles, a weakened immune system, a general infection, contaminated wounds and fungal infections of the feet.

As soon as there is a confirmation of cellulitis, you must consult to your physician. But some natural methods are there which are very effective and helpful in the treatment of cellulitis. Some of the important and effective herbs for the treatment of cellulitis are garlic, goldenseal, and Echinacea.

Garlic is an important herb which is having antibacterial properties. It is having the property to destroy the infection. So it is very effective in the treatment of cellulitis.

Most herbalists recommend a dosage of three capsules of garlic oil or three cloves per day till the infection disappears. Both the herbs are very effective for the treatment of cellulitis.

Goldenseal is recommended by the herbalist to reduce or get rid from inflammation. It may be taken internally or you may make a paste by adding the powder of herb to water and apply this paste on the affected area overnight.

To enhance the response of immune, Echinacea is a well known herb which is very helpful. If you are taking this herb regularly then it will help your body fight back against the infection.

Dieting, exercise and massage helps to stimulate and increase circulation in affected areas, toxins are also eliminated and it also tones muscles by rolling movement.

Read information on Garlic Supplement Benefits. Also find information on Holy Basil Tulsi Supplement.

Emotional Eating and Weight Gain - How to Stop It

Emotional eating and weight gain are closely linked. This article will emphasize on how emotional eating results in overeating and finally weight gain. You begin to eat when you are anxious, frustrated, bored, angry, sad, lonely or even when you want to celebrate something. During these emotional eating episodes the foods chosen are fatty, salty, sweet and/or high in calories.

How can you stop these emotional binges? This is a very unhealthy cycle and needs proper tackling. The first step is awareness. One of the best tools to help you gain awareness about your eating patterns is to keep a food diary.

In addition to when and what you eat, record of how you are emotionally feeling when you eat must also be made in the diary. Once you consciously begin distinguishing physical hunger from emotional hunger you will need techniques to help him deal with your emotions. ‘Sort out your feelings’, recommend doctors. Instead of munching on a bag of chips without thought, you must take some time out to sort through your feelings.

Boredom: Almost everyone experiences this emotion at one time or another. You must select any activity or engage in some physical activity.
Loneliness: You must get together with, call or write to a relative or friend, join an organization or get involved in one’s community.
Depression/sadness: You must try to identify the reason for your depression. Once you identify it, you must try putting your feeling into words either in a journal or by talking with a friend.
Anger: You must take some time out and calm yourself down by using relaxation techniques or going for a walk.
Anxiety: First the cause of anxiety must be found by you. If it is caused by coffee or something that you have taken internally, you must try to find a way to correct the situation from happening again.
Stress: You should visualize yourself in a calm relaxing place while taking in slow, deep breaths.
Tiredness: You must take a short nap or get some exercise.
Celebration: By all means you should celebrate! Celebration must include getting together with friends, going to a movie, buying something that you have been wishing or going for nice dancing. You can use your imagination. A celebration does not mean he must include food- and eat….eat… and eat! Or drink…drink….and drink!